Flight Management Systems Specialist Universal Avionics from USA has been committed to the most advanced, most reliable avionics customer services. With 22,000 FMS systems installed on 12,000 aircrafts of 130 different models in 115 countries around the world. Some of our notable customers include Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Sikorsky, Xifei, Hafei, etc.. Dalian Yibang is Universal Avionics’ representative , responsible for all business and technical support services for Universal products in the Chinese aviation industry.
SBAS Capable FMS
■ New FMs models based off of last Super FMs core hardware andsoftware design.
■ Drop-in compatibility(nearly) and upgrade path available fortodays FMS owners.
■ New part numbers for hardware.
■ Main operating software, SCN 1000/1100.
■ Internal SBas receiver. Compatible with other Satellite-BasedAugmentation Systems(SBAS)-EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN.
Multi-function display InSight EFI-1040
■ High backlit LED liquid crystal display.
■ Multiprocessor system/partition.
■ Ethernet-based architecture.
■ Outer ring size 9.86” H X 7.86” W X 8.70” D.
■ Full-featured PFD independent display.
■ Provides all necessary primary flight parameters.
■ Multiple display formats.
■ Choice of vertical or horizontal format PFD controller.
■ Traffic, terrain, radar support.
Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) AHS-525
■Updated Part 23, Part 25 and Part 29.
■ Feasible numbers and simulations IO.
■ Support a wide range of aircraft applications.
■ Dimensions:5.31” H X 5.25” W (With mounting panel)5.00” H X 5.25” W(Without mounting panel).
■ AHS-525 certification.
■ Compliance with the latest TSO & FAA authorization.
■ Embedded recorder with independent power supply(RIPS) selection (Able to meet FAA’s 10 minute requirement).
■ Obtained TSO.
■ Dimensions:6.1” H x 4.9” W x 8.0”D.
■ Weight:8.6lbs (with RIPS),8.0lbs (without RIPS).
The above information is provided by Dalian Yibang Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.